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Cash Money Jackpot set for June 5

May 30, 2021

Indigo Sky Casino presents the Cash Money Dirt Late Model Series this Saturday, June 5 . Indigo Sky Casino Night is a Race Night all Race Fans want to be at the Springfield Raceway for their chance to catch raining money from the Indigo Sky. USRA B-Mods, Pure Stocks, MW Mods A & B and Legends Cars will as well be racing on this night as they battle for a Championship.

Race Fans your chance to catch Indigo Rewards, Casey’s gift cards, $1 bills, some $5 bills, lottery tickets and even a crisp $100 bill with a total of over $2,000 in cash and prizes that will fly from the Indigo Sky.


Indigo Sky Casino & Springfield Raceway have teamed up to add the Springfield Raceway / Cash Money Jackpot offer for all Cash Money Dirt Late Model Events at Springfield Raceway. Each Cash Money Dirt Late Model Driver has the option to pay $40 extra with their entry fee to be eligible to win the jackpot ..All the extra entry money that is paid plus $200 from the Springfield Raceway will go into a jackpot .Two Drivers that make the Cash Money Dirt Late Model Main Event will be eligible to split the jackpot .Springfield Raceway will draw one lucky adult ticket . That Lucky Race Fan will draw a number 1-20 as the Checkered Flag drops on the Cash Money Dirt Late Model Main Event . Indigo Sky Casino will give the Lucky Race Fan a Play & Stay at Indigo Sky Casino which includes a one night Deluxe King or Double Queen Room, $50 in Dining Credit & $20 Rewards Credit for 2 people .This is a $239 value. The finishing position number that is drawn will be one winner of half the jackpot . Then the Lucky Race Fan will be asked who their favorite Cash Money Dirt Late Model Driver is in the Main Event ? That Driver will win the other half of the Indigo Sky Casino / Springfield Raceway Cash Money Jackpot.

Adult - $20
Seniors/Military $18
Kids 6- Seniors in High School $2
Kids 5 & Under Free

Pit- 2:45
Grandstands- 5:15
Driver Cut off - 5:15
Hot Laps - 6:15
Racing - 6:45

About Indigo Sky Casino
Indigo Sky Casino is located in Oklahoma on the border across from Seneca, Missouri. The Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma opened the new $85 million Indigo Sky Casino with a grand opening November 8, 2012. It replaces the tribe's older casino, the Bordertown Casino & Bingo, which operated since 1987. The Bordertown Casino was closed on the same day.

The Indigo Sky Casino features a larger gaming floor, a 117-room hotel, an RV park, and new restaurants. It is located in western Ottawa County on Hwy. 60 west of Seneca, Mo. and a few miles up Hwy. 60 from the old location.

In 2016 an expansion project was underway to add 127 hotel rooms, expand the size of the Shawanoe Restaurant, and to add 8,500 sq-ft of meeting/banquet space. The new 127-room hotel tower opened in September 2017.