NEXT EVENT  Thursday, February 27
Test 'N' Tune

Raining Money this Saturday

June 6, 2018

Temperatures will start warming up as the action will heat up even more Saturday, June 9 at Springfield Raceway as Indigo Sky Casino will be sponsoring the Casino themed evening of races, which includes the “Raining Money” promotion.  Twenty lucky fans will have the opportunity to pick up their share of the 1,000 ($1 dollar bills) & one LUCKY FAN might just snag a $100 bill that will be dropped from the Indigo Sky Casino Sky in the tracks infield.Kids even get the chance to win a lil cash as Indigo Sky Casino & Springfield Raceway will be giving away $2.00 bills throughout the night.

More gifts to give .The Family that brings the most kids with them win a FREE Large PIZZA compliments of Casey’s General Store.Springfield Raceway don’t care if they are your kids or tha neighbors kids , white kids , black kids or any flavor of kids , bring em ALL , get those kids up off  tha couch , close tha iPad down , un plug tha x box,leave there phones at home & get em out of tha house & to the nice fresh outside air of a good ol Dirt Trackin  Saturday night.

Race Fans will not be only treated  to 5 classes of cars , B Mods , A Mods , Legend Cars, Pure Stocks & Midwest Modzs but on this night they will witness the POWDER PUFF RACES at the 1/4 mile clay oval in Springfield Missouri.YES , we said powder puff meaning the LADIES WILL BE DRIVING...nuff said must be here to watch....
Disclaimer : in no way shape or form do we mean any disrespect to any lady participating in tha powder puffs...
must be here to watch...

Pit gates will open at 4:30
 Grandstands  open at 6:15
 Hotlaps start  at 6:30
 Racing starts at 7:00
 Pit Passes will be $30
General Admission $15
Seniors                 $12
Kids    12 & under FREE

Indigo Sky Casino is one the largest casinos in NE Oklahoma, featuring a luxury 117 room hotel, electronics games, RV Park, and more. Our Casino Floor boasts over 1,250 gaming machines, bingo, 12 table games, a poker room, and off-track betting for gamblers looking for a variety of gaming options. Indigo Sky Casino is also home to Shawanoe and ECHO, offering visitors an exciting opportunity to take advantage of southwestern Style Dining & Bars. www.indigoskycasino.com.