NEXT EVENT  Thursday, February 27
Test 'N' Tune

Points Opener this Weekend

March 28, 2018

Time...time....Time....time...as we get older, time...seems to move a little faster...I think we think about time...but we don’t realize how it slips away...in age we think about time... in a different way....we look back & see how fast time ...passed...time...seems a little more valuable...as time...keeps ticking , each & everyone of us get a little bit older...& ..time... keeps spinning ...we all will have a family member pass away or loose a loved one close to us & might even loose a ol friend that we had a special bond with..
so as that time...keeps spinning , cherish each moment...& don't let time....get away......
       It's TIME....
   Each year we kick off our Racing Season at Springfield Raceway by honoring a friend. Don Haase, October 1, 1962 - April 8, 2008.  Don passed young at the age of of 46. Springfield Raceway track owner Jerry Hoffman & Don had previously worked together back in the mid 90's. Don was the type of guy who could fix anything, he was one heck of a Mechanic.  He loved all sports & just being outside doing something was his way of enjoying life.  When the Springfield Raceway was purchased back in 2007 a Tech Man was needed. Jerry thought Don would be perfect for the job. Don was the Tech Man for one year and early the next year Don called Jerry at the shop & wanted to talk to him in person. A few hours later Don showed up & with a big lump in his throat he said he didn't want to Tech anymore, he wanted to do something that he has been wanting to do since he was a kid, he wanted to be the Flag Man.Jerry told Don know problem , its all yours. Sadly, Don passed away due to Diabetes complications & didn't get to drop the Green Flag that 2008 Season at the Springfield Raceway.A life long dream was ready to come true but time....got em & life was cut short. So each & every year when TIME.... gets here to start the Racing Season at Springfield Raceway Don's Children; Lyndsay, Christopher, & Taylor will release balloons as they climb the flag stand and drop the Green Flag in Honor of their DAD to start the first heat race of the Springfield Raceway Season as we listen to the song Drift Away by Dobie Gray.

Live...Love...Laugh...& Believe...
We just never know what tomorrow may or may not bring...