NEXT EVENT  Thursday, February 27
Test 'N' Tune

Racing For a Cause this Saturday July 22

July 20, 2023

This Saturday July 22 Springfield Raceway & the INEX Legend Car Series will have a fundraiser for “Racing For a Cause”  Benefiting C.O.P.S. ( Concerns Of Police Survivors )

About the cause …

2023 “Racing For a Cause”   ( INEX Legend Car Series )
Benefiting C.O.P.S. (Concerns Of Police Survivors)
C.O.P.S. is an organization that assists families of law enforcement officers, that have suffered the loss of a loved one while serving their communities

They assist in funeral arrangements, offer support directly to the family members, by means of moral support, sending them to retreats and camps, where they meet with grievance counselors and other families that have experienced the same traumatic feelings associated with the loss of a loved one.

On average, every year there are 150 – 160 police officers are killed while serving their communities. (Last year’s total was 247)

The most resent officers in Missouri are Detective Sergeant Mason Griffith of the Hermann Police Dept. & Police Officer James Muhlbauer of the Kansas City Police Dept.

So far in 2023, nationally, 62 officers and 13 K-9s have lost their lives while serving.

All though the numbers are improving, suicide due to the stress of the job is still an issue.

This is the 14th year for the “Racing For a Cause” series to honor are nations fallen police officers and creating awareness and funding for the C.O.P.S. foundation.

The C.O.P.S. Foundation was founded in 1984 and is currently head quartered in Camdenton Mo.

We invite you to stop by and show your support by purchasing a Tee-Shirt ( for sale @ $20 each or 2 for $35) or give freely, as the Legends drivers will be passing their helmets during the intermission.

With the help of promoters and facilities like Springfield Raceway the  “Racing For a Cause” series has been able to contribute just under $200,000 to the C.O.P.S. foundation
If you would like to contribute directly to C.O.P.S. visit nationalcops.org  or your local chapter in MO. 

Sincere Thanks,  Denise & Warren Ropp.

The INEX LEGENDS Cars will be racing for track points  $350 to Win & $60 to start. INEX Legends line up procedure will be open draw & passing points.

Springfield Raceway will be racing 7 Classes of Dirt Cars this Saturday that compete weekly to be in Watson Metal Masters Victory Lane at the end of each night.

66 Truss USRA Stock Cars
All trailer Services POWRi B Mods
Indigo Sky Casino POWRI MW Modzs A  Wheeler Metals Legends
Hayden Machinery MW POWRi Modzs B Pepsi Pure Stock
Guffey Services Heating & Air
Fwd Mini Stock 

Driving Directions: I-44 to exit 75, then south to Kearney Hwy., then 1.0 mile west to Westgate Ave., then 0.3 mile south.
2110 N Fm Rd 123
Springfield Missouri 

Adults- $18
Seniors/Military- $16
Kids 6-Seniors in High School- $3
5 & under - Free
Special Events prices subject to change. 
Adults- $40
Kids 6-14 - $15
5 & under FREE
Special Events prices subject to change. 
Times for 6/22/23
Pit Gate - 3:30
Grandstands- 5:30
Driver Cut off - 6:20
Hot laps - 6:30
Racing - 7:00
If you can’t attend the Springfield Raceway you have the option to watch it from your home live at https://springfieldraceway.tv/